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Audit log filter functions, options, and variables

The following sections describe the functions, options, and variables available in the audit log filter component.

Audit log filter functions

The following audit log filter functions are available.

Function name
audit_log_filter_set_filter(filter_name, definition)
audit_log_filter_set_user(user_name, filter_name)


This function returns the encryption password. Any keyring component or keyring component can be used, but the component or component must be enabled. If the component or component is not enabled, an error occurs.


keyring_id - If the function does not contain a keyring_id, the function returns the current encryption password. You can also request a specific encryption password with the keyring ID of either the current password or an archived password.


This function returns a JSON object containing the password, iterations count used by the password.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_encryption_password_get();
Expected output
| audit_log_encryption_password_get()         |
| {"password":"passw0rd","iterations":5689}   |


This function sets the encryption password and stores the new password in the keyring.


password - the password as a string. The maximum length is 766 bytes.


This function returns a string. An OK indicates a success. ERROR indicates a failure.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_encryption_password_set(passw0rd);
Expected output
| audit_log_encryption_password_set(passw0rd)         |
| OK                                                  |


This function updates the audit log filter tables and makes any changes operational.

Modifying the audit log filter tables directly with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE does not implement the modifications immediately. The tables must be flushed to have those changes take effect.

This function forces reloading all filters and should only be used if someone has modified the tables directly.


Avoid using this function. This function performs an operation that is similar to uninstalling and reinstalling the component. Filters are detached from all current sessions. To restart logging, the current sessions must either disconnect and reconnect or do a change-user operation.




This function returns either an OK for success or an error message for failure.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_filter_flush();
Expected output
| audit_log_filter_flush() |
| OK                       |


If the audit log filter format is JSON, this function reads the audit log and returns an array of the audit events as a JSON string. Generates an error if the format is not JSON.


None. If the start position is not provided, the read continues from the current position.

Optional: You can specify a starting position for the read with start or a timestamp and an id, both items are considered a bookmark and can be used to identify an event. You must include both (timestamp and id) or an error is generated. If the timestamp does not include a time section, the function assumes the time is 00:00.

You can also provide a max_array_length to limit the number of log events.

Callaudit_log_read_bookmark() to return the most recently written event.


This function returns a string of a JSON array of the audit events or a JSON NULL value. Returns NULL and generates an error if the call fails.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_read(audit_log_read_bookmark());
Expected output
| audit_log_read(audit_log_read_bookmark())                                   |
| [{"timestamp" : "2023-06-02 09:43:25", "id": 10,"class":"connection",]       |


This function provides a bookmark for the most recently written audit log event as a JSON string. Generates an error if the format is not JSON.

If this function is used with [audit_log_read()](#audit_log_read), theaudit_log_read()` function starts reading at that position.




This function returns a JSON string containing a bookmark for success or NULL and an error for failure.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_read_bookmark();
Expected output
| audit_log_read_bookmark()                          |
| {"timestamp" : "2023-06-02 09:43:25", "id": 10 }   |


This function returns the internal ID of the audit log filter in the current session.

Returns 0 (zero) if the session has no assigned filter.


This function removes the selected filter from the current set of filters.

If user accounts are assigned the selected filter, the user accounts are no longer filtered. The user accounts are removed from audit_log_user. If the user accounts are in a current session, they are detached from the selected filter and no longer logged.


filter_name - a selected filter name as a string.


This function returns either an OK for success or an error message for failure.

If the filter name does not exist, no error is generated.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_filter_remove_filter('filter-name');
Expected output
| audit_log_filter_remove_filter('filter-name')  |
| OK                                             |


This function removes the assignment of a filter from the selected user account.

If the user account is in a current session, they are not affected. New sessions for this user account use the default account filter or are not logged.

If the user name is %, the default account filter is removed.


user_name - a selected user name in either the user_name@host_name format or %.


This function returns either an OK for success or an error message for failure.

If the user_name has no filter assigned, no error is generated.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_filter_remove_user('user-name@localhost');
Expected output
| audit_log_filter_remove_user('user-name@localhost')  |
| OK                                                   |





This function returns the renamed file name.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_rotate();

audit_log_filter_set_filter(filter_name, definition)

This function, when provided with a filter name and definition, adds the filter.

The new filter has a different filter ID. Generates an error if the filter name exists.


  • filter_name - a selected filter name as a string.

  • definition - Defines the definition as a JSON value.


This function returns either an OK for success or an error message for failure.


mysql> SET @filter = '{ "filter_name": { "log": true }}'
mysql> SET audit_log_filter_set_filter('filter-name', @filter);
Expected output
| audit_log_filter_set_filter('filter-name', @filter)  |
| OK                                                          |

audit_log_filter_set_user(user_name, filter_name)

This function assigns the filter to the selected user account.

A user account can only have one filter. If the user account already has a filter, this function replaces the current filter. If the user account is in a current session, nothing happens. When the user account connects again the new filter is used.

The user name, %, is the default account. The filter assigned to % is used by any user account without a defined filter.


  • user_name - a selected user name in either the user_name@host_name format or %.

  • filter_name - a selected filter name as a string.


This function returns either an OK for success or an error message for failure.


mysql> SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('user-name@localhost', 'filter-name');
Expected output
| audit_log_filter_set_user('user-name@localhost', 'filter-name')  |
| OK                                                                |

Audit log filter options and variables



Option Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter[=value]
Dynamic No
Data type Enumeration
Default ON

This option determines how, at startup, the server loads the audit_log_filter component. The component must be registered.

The valid values are the following:

  • ON
  • OFF


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.buffer-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 1048576
Minimum value 4096
Maximum value 18446744073709547520
Units byes
Block size 4096

This variable defines the buffer size in multiples of 4096 when logging is asynchronous. The contents for events are stored in a buffer. The contents are stored until the contents are written.

The component initializes a single buffer and removes the buffer when the component terminates.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.compression
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Enumeration
Default NONE
Valid values NONE or GZIP

This variable defines the compression type for the audit log filter file. The values can be either NONE, the default value and file has no compression, or GZIP.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.database
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default mysql

This variable defines the audit_log_filter database. This read-only variable stores the necessary tables. Set this option at system startup. The database name cannot exceed 64 characters or be NULL.

An invalid database name prevents the use of the audit log filter component.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.disable
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

This variable disables the component logging for all connections and any sessions.

This variable requires the user account to have SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN and AUDIT_ADMIN privileges.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.encryption
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Enumeration
Default NONE
Valid values NONE or AES

This variable defines the encryption type for the audit log filter file. The values can be either of the following:

  • NONE - the default value, no encryption
  • AES


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.file
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default audit_filter.log

This variable defines the name and suffix of the audit log filter file. The component writes events to this file.

The file name and suffix can be either of the following:

  • a relative path name - the component looks for this file in the data directory
  • a full path name - the component uses the given value

If you use a full path name, ensure the directory is accessible only to users who need to view the log and the server.

For more information, see Naming conventions


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.format
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Enumeration
Default NEW
Available values OLD, NEW, JSON

This variable defines the audit log filter file format.

The available values are the following:


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.format-unix-timestamp
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

This option is only supported for JSON-format files.

Enabling this option adds a time field to JSON-format files. The integer represents the UNIX timestamp value and indicates the date and time when the audit event was generated. Changing the value causes a file rotation because all records must either have or do not have the time field. This option requires the AUDIT_ADMIN and SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privileges.

This option does nothing when used with other format types.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.handler
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default FILE

Defines where the component writes the audit log filter file. The following values are available:

  • FILE - component writes the log to a location specified in audit_log_filter.file
  • SYSLOG - component writes to the syslog


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.key-derivation-iterations-count-mean
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 60000
Minimum value 1000
Maximum value 1000000

Defines the mean value of iterations used by the password-based derivation routine while calculating the encryption key and iv values. A random number represents the actual iteration count and deviates no more than 10% from this value.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.max-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 1GB
Minimum value 0
Maximum value 18446744073709551615
Unit bytes
Block size 4096

Defines pruning based on the combined size of the files:

The default value is 1GB.

A value of 0 (zero) disables pruning based on size.

A value greater than 0 (zero) enables pruning based on size and defines the combined size limit. When the files exceed this limit, they can be pruned.

The value is based on 4096 (block size). A value is truncated to the nearest multiple of the block size. If the value is less than 4096, the value is treated as 0 (zero).

If the values for audit_log_filter.rotate_on_size and audit_log_filter.max_size are greater than 0, we recommend that audit_log_filter.max_size value should be at least seven times the audit_log_filter.rotate_on_size value.

Pruning requires the following options:

  • audit_log_filter.max_size
  • audit_log_filter.rotate_on_size
  • audit_log_filter.prune_seconds


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.password-history-keep-days
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 0

Defines when passwords may be removed and measured in days.

Encrypted log files have passwords stored in the keyring. The component also stores a password history. A password does not expire, despite being past the value, in case the password is used for rotated audit logs. The operation of creating a password also archives the previous password.

The default value is 0 (zero). This value disables the expiration of passwords. Passwords are retained forever.

If the component starts and encryption is enabled, the component checks for an audit log filter encryption password. If a password is not found, the component generates a random password.

Call audit_log_filter_encryption_set() to set a specific password.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.prune-seconds
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 0
Minimum value 0
Maximum value 1844674073709551615
Unit seconds

Defines when the audit log filter file is pruned. This pruning is based on the age of the file. The value is measured in seconds.

A value of 0 (zero) is the default and disables pruning. The maximum value is 18446744073709551615.

A value greater than 0 enables pruning. An audit log filter file can be pruned after this value.

To enable log pruning, you must set one of the following:

  • Enable log rotation by setting audit_log_filter.rotate_on_size
  • Add a value greater than 0 (zero) for either audit_log_filter.max_size or audit_log_filter.prune_seconds


Option name Description
Command-line –
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Unit Bytes
Default 32768

This option is only supported for JSON-format files.

The size of the buffer for reading from the audit log filter file. The audit_log_filter_read() reads only from this buffer size.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.rotate-on-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Integer
Default 1GB

Performs an automatic log file rotation based on the size. The default value is 1GB. If the value is greater than 0, when the log file size exceeds the value, the component renames the current file and opens a new log file using the original name.

If you set the value to less than 4096, the component does not automatically rotate the log files. You can rotate the log files manually using audit_log_rotate(). If the value is not a multiple of 4096, the component truncates the value to the nearest multiple.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.strategy
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Enumeration

Defines the Audit Log filter component’s logging method. The valid values are the following:

Values Description
ASYNCHRONOUS Waits until there is outer buffer space
PERFORMANCE If the outer buffer does not have enough space, drops requests
SEMISYNCHRONOUS Operating system permits caching
SYNCHRONOUS Each request calls sync()


Option Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.syslog-tag=
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default audit-filter


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.syslog-facility
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default LOG_USER

Specifies the syslog facility value. The option has the same meaning as the appropriate parameter described in the syslog(3) manual.


Option name Description
Command-line –audit-log-filter.syslog-priority
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default LOG_INFO

Defines the priority value for the syslog. The option has the same meaning as the appropriate parameter described in the syslog(3) manual.

Audit log filter status variables

The audit log filter component exposes status variables. These variables provide information on the operations.

Name Description
audit_log_filter_current_size The current size of the audit log filter file. If the log is rotated, the size is reset to 0.
audit_log_filter_direct_writes Identifies when the log_strategy_type = ASYNCHRONOUS and messages bypass the write buffer and are written directly to the log file
audit_log_filter_max_drop_size In the performance logging mode, the size of the largest dropped event.
audit_log_filter_events The number of audit log filter events
audit_log_filter_events_filtered The number of filtered audit log filter component events
audit_log_filter_events_lost If the event is larger than the available audit log filter buffer space, the event is lost
audit_log_filter_events_written The number of audit log filter events written
audit_log_filter_total_size The total size of the events written to all audit log filter files. The number increases even when a log is rotated
audit_log_filter_write_waits In the asynchronous logging mode, the number of times an event waited for space in the audit log filter buffer

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Last update: 2024-10-08