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Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a set of pre-defined SQL statements stored in the database and executed as a single unit. It allows users to execute complex operations without rewriting the same code multiple times.

Benefit Description
Code Reusability Stored procedures can be reused multiple times in different parts of an application, reducing code duplication.
Improved Performance By executing multiple SQL statements in a single call, stored procedures can reduce network traffic and improve performance.
Enhanced Security Users can execute stored procedures without needing direct access to underlying tables, improving security and data integrity.
Centralized Logic Business logic is encapsulated within stored procedures, making it easier to manage and maintain.
Disadvantage Description
Difficulty in Debugging Stored procedures can be challenging to debug, as they are executed on the database server rather than within the application code.
Vendor Lock-in Stored procedures are specific to a particular database system, making it difficult to migrate to another database platform.
Limited Portability Stored procedures written in one database system may not be compatible with other systems, limiting portability and interoperability.

Stored Procedure examples

Create a Stored Procedure

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE GetCustomerDetails (IN customerId INT)
    -> BEGIN
    ->     SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id = customerId;
    -> END //
mysql> DELIMITER ;

Call a Stored Procedure

mysql> CALL GetCustomerDetails(123);

Modify a Stored Procedure

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> ALTER PROCEDURE GetCustomerDetails (IN customerId INT)
    -> BEGIN
    ->     SELECT name, email FROM customers WHERE id = customerId;
    -> END //
mysql> DELIMITER ;

Drop a Stored Procedure

mysql> DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GetCustomerDetails;

Advanced SQL features

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Last update: 2024-10-08